Releasing fear and overwhelm?
Stepping into your purpose?
Hiding and not taking up space?
Feeling lethargic and disconnected?
Balance your life to care for the needs of your body AND soul?
Feel passionate and excited about life?
Feel inner peace no matter what is going on around you?
Rekindle your childlike sense of wonder?
In partnership with Mother Earth, our services guide you to rewire your nervous system for peace and belonging, reducing stress and transforming your life perspective and experience of the world.
My joy is to help you fall in love with your life and your world again. I assist individuals in reconnecting with nature and embodying their wild, playful, creative selves.
As an intuitive artist, author, and Nature-based expressive arts coach, I use sense-engaging practices, Earth-energy meditations, and journaling to awaken the senses and foster inner peace through the healing power of Nature.
As a certified Creative Journal Expressive Arts Institute Instructor
and Nature Field Therapy Coach, I am passionate about reawakening connections with one's
inner and outer landscape, promoting mutual respect and honoring the sacred in our world.
[Once you've worked with GG on the objections or questions your clients may have, ask her for help drafting the answers to those questions!]
[Once you've worked with GG on the objections or questions your clients may have, ask her for help drafting the answers to those questions!]
[Once you've worked with GG on the objections or questions your clients may have, ask her for help drafting the answers to those questions!]